Tag: Hire bodyguards in Delhi

hire bodyguards for business VIPS Celebrities in India

How to Select the Right Type of Bodyguards in India?

Hiring trainned and armed Bodyguards in India? guide shared by Miraz Securitas which has the largest fleet of ex-NSG blackcat commando bodyguards in India

hire bodyguards in dlehi_miraz securitas

How to Handle Security Threats: A Bodyguard’s Approach to Crisis Management

Miraz Securitas the leading bodyguard services provider for celebrities, VIPs, and corporate leaders in India shares how bodyguards handle security threats

Are Personal Bouncers Necessity or VIP Lifestyle Hype in India

Miraz Securitas the leading bouncer services provider for VIPs and celebrities in India shares hiring personal bouncers or bodyguards are necessity or VIP lifestyle hype in India

hire bodyguards in Delhi Gurugram Noida Miraz securitas

How to Hire a Good Bodyguard in India?

India’s leading Private Security Company Miraz Securitas Shares a Few Essential Qualities you Should Look for in a Good Bodyguard In these unprecedented times, where everything is so uncertain and unpredictable, protecting yourself from imminent danger is important. Today, the word, ‘bodyguard’ is no longer just a status symbol. Gone are the days when bodyguards…

Personal Security Officer agency in India Miraz Security

Reasons and How to Hire Personal Security Officers in India

The leading PSO (Personal Security Officer) agency in India, Miraz Securitas shares some reasons why you need to hire a PSO and ways to hire them.

bodyguard agency for tourists in India

Safety Tips for Women Travelers in India

If you have plan to travel solo or with your girlfriends, we have few vital safety tips to keep handy, Mr Atul Mahajan, Director of India’s top security guard company Miraz Securitas Pvt Ltd, shares the following safety tips.

miraz securitas security guards

Everything You Should Know While Hiring A Bodyguard in Delhi NCR

Mr. Atul Mahajan, Director of Miraz Securitas Pvt Ltd (Delhi’s leading security services agency) also a leading bodyguard company share few important points that people should consider to make the right judgment while hiring a bodyguard.
