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Tips for Traveling in India shares Miraz’s Bodyguard

Miraz Securitas’ Professional Bodyguards Shares Security Tips that Every Traveler Can Use

Unless you are a top-notch celebrity, VIP, or a high-profile CEO, you have perhaps never traveled with your own personal security detail.

While the rest of you may imagine a fleet of strong men in crisp suits wearing headsets, the individuals who actually do it for a living claim their daily life is far from Men in Black.

It is totally the antithesis of what professional bodyguards do,” says Mr. Atul Mahajan, Director of Miraz Securitas Pvt Ltd India’s top bodyguard services providers to VIPs and celebrities adding, “Majority of this in the preparation.”

Since several of the strategies used by bodyguards can be adopted by common travelers of all stripes, to get their tips for staying safe while on the road.

Always be mindful of your surroundings

Mr Mahajan says it might seem obvious, but maintaining a level of situational awareness is vital to staying safe while in unfamiliar environs. Do not walk around while looking simply at your phone or a map.

The longer you lumber and clank and clunk and appear like prey, the more time you are going to give the predators to form that plan.

Do not make yourself an easy target

Wearing a T-shirt or sports cap that immediately identifies you as a tourist, keeping your wallet in your back pocket, or carrying a bag that could be comfortably stolen are all methods to make yourself a target. Look to blend in using neutral clothing that does not advertise your nationality, and secure your belonging by tucking your wallet in your chest pocket or carrying a cross-body bag.

Criminals always look for the path of least resistance.

Plan ahead

Planning ahead of time is essential. With this method, you will be aware of any possible threats specific to your location. Setting up transportation ahead would also remove you from possible predatory situations while on the ground.

Ask locals regarding their preferences

While hopping on the local bus might be a safe way to get around, the same is however not recommended for tourists in every city. It is always better to work closely with local people to get their recommendations on places to go — and how to reach there.

Be cautious while using social media

It is tempting to post on social media of your dream vacation the moment you land your desired destination but you are potentially advertising to the world that you are not at home. While most travelers are not targeted in the manner that celebrities are, social media snapshots could be a problem for constant travelers, too.

Safeguard your technology

Always secure technology in a locked safe and avert using public Wi-Fi, which could be easily hacked, also keeping physical control of your computer and other devices is crucial.

Carry a burner wallet

Even the most alert travelers may find themselves the victim of a mugging. It is better to carry a “burner wallet,” having an old ID and a few $20 invoices, to give to the assailant in the occurrence of an assault.

Atul Mahajan